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Cremation Urn Cleaning and Care Tips

H.E. Turner Funeral Homes • Sep 26, 2022

Keeping your loved one’s urn in good condition and looking like new is important. Afterall, this is a very special container that is keeping their ashes safe and secure. Keeping it looking nice shows your loved one respect and honor. Depending on the material of your urn, how you care for it may differ. Providers of urns and cremation services in Oakfield, NY share these tips how to best care for your loved one’s urn. 

Glass and Ceramic Urns 

Glass and ceramic urns can make for a beautiful display urn as they come in a variety of colors and designs. Unfortunately, they can be a delicate as they are beautiful. This means when you are selecting a place for your urn, you need to find a space that is secure and away from busy areas in your home. You also need to make sure it is high enough that small children and /or pets will not have an opportunity to knock it over. 

Cleaning your glass or ceramic urn is simple. For a light dusting, simply use a soft dry cloth and wipe away and debris or build-up. If you need to perform a deeper clean, using a soft cloth add an all-natural, chemical- free glass cleaner and wipe down the urn. Always makes sure to use an all-natural cleaner as chemicals can damage the urn over time. 

Wooden Urns 

Wooden urns are a wonderful choice for families who would like an urn with a timeless design and one that is durable and study. Wooden urns can be found made from a variety of soft and hard woods. Some examples include pine, cherry, oak, walnut, and mahogany just to name a few. 

Although wooden urns are resistant to breakage, they do have their weaknesses. Two of these being direct sunlight and moisture as being exposed to either of these can damage the urn over time. 

To keep your wooden urn looking good, simply take a soft cloth and wipe away and dust. If there is more build-up, or to perform a routine deep clean, use a good furniture polish that is specially designed for use on wood.

Metal Urns 

Metal urns can be found made from steel, bronze, copper and more. Similar to wooden urns, metal urns are resistant to breakage but do require special care. They should not be placed in direct sunlight as the heat from the sun can cause the urn to warp over time. 

Cleaning your metal urn also requires some special attention, First, never use a damp cloth for cleaning as the water may cause the urn to rust. Also, be very careful not to use any harsh or abrasive cleaning solutions as they can cause scratches. 

If you would like more information on how to care for your loved one’s urn after their cremation services in Oakfield, NY, you can contact the urn provider directly or give us a call as we will be able to tell you best tips for care and maintenance of the urn.

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